Wednesday, January 10, 2007


When I posted yesterday's pictures, I was absolutely not asking for more snow, ice, etc. However, this is what we awoke to this morning. Both views are from our back deck. The first picture actually tells a couple of stories. First, the green right along the house indicates there was no wind with the snow. It fell straight down. Second, did you remember our property is located on a steep slope? If you look closely at the ground, you'll see a very definite slope which actually starts in the front yard. This allows for a great crawl space under the house! Hubby can almost stand straight up.This little plant has the look of a tropical, but has done just fine through three different snowfalls.


mrsnesbitt said...

Fantastic images!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh - what a shock

Petunia's Gardener said...

And I assume you've looked outside now? I think we'll have more to photograph in the morning.