Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Listening to the rain

"Now with all my ability I have provided for the house of my God...onyx stones and inlaid stones, stones of antimony, and stones of various colors, and all kinds of precious stones, and alabaster in abundance." I Chronicles 29:2
It's raining here in the NW. Imagine that! But what a great opportunity to show you the beautiful rocks we find in the dirt. When everything is wet, the true colors really come through. This is one of the drains we put in the patio. If you look closely, you can see water dripping off the end of the rain chain.

It took me nine months to realize this, but God still shows Himself in the rain. Sound funny? Let me explain. When we lived in KS, we got rain once in awhile. The thunder storms were incredible, to say the least. In fact, thunder storms are my all-time favorite weather phenomenon. To see the awesome, controlled, deliberate power of our Lord would certainly make me appreciate His grace and mercy.

Thunder storms have a beginning, a middle, and an end - just like watching a play performance. The rain in the NW has a hard time figuring out which act we're in. It seems to be perpetually caught in the first act. There is never any climax. Occasionally, I will hear bits of thunder and get all excited that we're moving on to the second act. Then I realize it was just an airplane! So, I settle back into my seat prepared for a long performance.

Since being in the NW, I have come to realize a longer play is OK. An anti-climactic play is OK, too. Not preferred, but OK. God still shows Himself from the treasures found in the dirt to the numerous bird calls to the long-lasting blooms that seem to be frozen in time.


TnFullQuiver said...

I was thrilled to find your blog. I have glanced through it quickly this morning, and I can't wait to sit down later in the day and really read through everything. I feel like I have found a new friend.

grace and peace,

photowannabe said...

Beautiful thoughts and they are the fruits of the Lord's work in your life.
Looking at the wet stones is a little like our lives sometimes. The outside can be dull and uninteresting but the heavenly rains come and the true colors shine for all to see.

Kim said...

Neat, I must admit when I first read about the chains on your patio I had no idea what they were for, now I get it. Duh. Thanks for sharing. It looks like all your hard work is paying off.