True - we do press on toward this goal. However, today we're also pressing on toward the goal of finishing the patio.
In comes the dirt. For some reason, we thought we had to remove 9" all the way around. In reality, we only had to remove 9" where the drain pipes were. So, we had to bring all that dirt back in.
Thank goodness for the tractor!!
Thank goodness for the tractor!!
The laser level works great for leveling the dirt all the way across.
Can you imagine how heavy that would be?
Or how long it would take with a shovel?
Or how long it would take with a shovel?
Actually, we're finished several hours later. But doesn't it look good?
If you look back near the foundation of the house,
you'll see three little black boxes on the ground.
Those are the grates for the drainage system.
Wait till you see what we did with these!!
You know, it seems to me that something was missing today.
Oh yeah - Michael (our hired summer help)!
I'm sure he's glad to know we still work when he's not around!!
Tomorrow: sand and flagstones.
If you look back near the foundation of the house,
you'll see three little black boxes on the ground.
Those are the grates for the drainage system.
Wait till you see what we did with these!!
You know, it seems to me that something was missing today.
Oh yeah - Michael (our hired summer help)!
I'm sure he's glad to know we still work when he's not around!!
Tomorrow: sand and flagstones.
Good old tractors eh!
Your tractor is like the Little Engine That Could. What a godsend for the work you are doing. What a fantastic house this is.
I must stop blogging and get back to putting things away and get our house in order too.
Thanks for the encouraging Bible verses too.
We Need a tractor...nice to have around aren't they?? I got your comment about your son wanting to enter the culinary world...Good luck to him...tell him to certainly check out he Culinary Institute in Hyde Park, is considered one of the finest in the world...of course...going to France is a plus...never can go wrong w/ son attended a 4 year university...majoring in business...after completing nearly 3 years...he knew that THAT wasn't for him...he always wanted to be a chef (I don't know why...maybe he didn't like my cooking) and he remembered something we've always encouraged he and his sister to do...follow your what you love...then your job will always be something you enjoy and not just a job...he listened...and he has never looked back...he LOVES it...funny, though...NOW everything he learned in business classes is starting to kick in...for he is planning on opening his own restaurant....hopefully in the next year or so...there is a 4 year degree plan at CIA and a 2 year...they are both intense...but so worth it...Good me if you or your son have any questions...I'll be happy to pass along whatever I might help!!
It looks great! I'm so glad you had the tractor to do the extra hard work!! That's a lot of dirt!
Wow, it is looking good!!!!! I love your profile writing. Blue grass does rule and the Lord is to be praised. I will be back to read more.
Hi Paula, I couldn't post on your newest blog. There was no comment activator.
just wanted to say that that was a lovely evening stroll you took us on.
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